A public hearing on a bill to repeal the Delta State Electric Power Sector Law has been scheduled to hold on Friday next week, the 13th day of September, 2024.

The public hearing which is being organized by the House joint Committee on Energy and Special Bills will hold at the Press Center, State Assembly Complex, Okpanam road, Asaba beginning at 10 o’clock in the morning.

A statement by the Chairman House of Assembly Committee on Energy, Hon. Frank Esenwa, who represents Oshimili North in the House, recalled that the House at its sitting on Tuesday 21 May, 2024 referred the bill to the joint committee on Energy and Special Bills for further legislative consideration.

The Lawmaker has therefore invites stakeholders to the public hearing, saying that the committee will be glad to receive inputs, written or oral from critical stakeholders, especially Delta State Ministries of Energy, Environment, Lands and Survey, Justice as well as Science and Technology.

Also invited for the public hearing and for written or oral inputs are the Delta State Rural Development Agency, RDA, Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Nigerian Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers, Nigeria Society of Engineers, Bastanchury Power Solutions Nigeria Limited, Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders from public and Private Sectors.

Hon Esenwah said all memoranda from interested individuals, organizations and the general public should be in 25 copies, enclosed in sealed envelopes, addressed to the Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and to reach the Clerk of the Committee in the Legislative Department on or before Thursday 12 September, 2024.

The Bill is for a Law to repeal the Delta State Electric Power Sector Law 2022 and enact the Delta State Electric Power Sector Law 2024 to provide for a Comprehensive Legal Framework in the electricity generation, transmission, distribution and the protection of consumers rights including the development of a viable electricity market and for other matters related.

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