Pray For Nation’s Upliftment.. Oborevrwori ****As Onwo Hosts Council of Knights In Delta

Delta State Governor, Elder Sheriff F.O. Oborevwori has enjoined the church not to relent in prayers for the upliftment of the country as the nation is still in great need of peace, unity, stability and development.

Governor Oborevwori gave the charge in his goodwill message at the Oleh Diocesan Council of Knights Statutory Meeting, hosted by the immediate past Majority Leader of the Delta State House of Assembly, Hon (Chief) Ferguson Onwo, KSC, at Olomoro in Isoko South local government area.

The Governor said his administration is anchored by God, and would not loose focus or do anything contrary to the will of God.

Represented by the Senior Policy Adviser to the state government, Chief Funkekeme Solomon, Oborevrwori stated that his knowledge of the state and its people would further advance quality governance as he settles down for the task ahead as Governor of Delta state.

He said infrastructures would be distributed according to the peculiarity of the areas, stressing the need for the support of every critical stakeholders in the Delta State Project.

The Governor thanked Hon Ferguson Onwo for giving his best for the service of the people, and assured that the Delta State Government will continue to partner with the church to promote the works of God.

Oborevrwori challenged preachers of the gospel to avoid political messages but to always speak the truth as the pulpit is sacred and a place expected to derive inspirations that would enhance and promote good leadership in the society.

According to him, government is to produce happiness, saying that anything contrary should not be encouraged and that the church has a great role to play in that regards.

“I thank Hon Onwo for giving the best for the service of the people. The present administration in the state is anchored by God. We will distribute infrastructure accordingly to the peculiarity of the areas. The Church must not relent in prayers, as we have no power of our own. No human being can do it without God.

“Government of Delta State will continue to partner with the church. We don’t want political messages but the truth. Preach the truth always. Government is to produce happiness. The pulpit is sacred, and the truth should said from there to give us inspirations to serve God and humanity better”.

Welcoming quests to the meeting, Hon Ferguson Onwo expressed gratitude to God for multiple grace and for the opportunity to play host to the Council of Knights in the Oleh Diocese of Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion.

Onwo who represents Isoko South in the State Assembly said he found it so exiting and proud to be a Knight and promised greater commitment to the church and activities that would further strengthen the body of Christ.

“I am very proud to be a knight and so happy for the opportunity to host the Council. I find this very exiting and pray God to always provide us our needs to promote His work”.

The President, Oleh Diocese Council of Knights, Sir Benjamin Ogbalor, commended Hon Onwo for being a worthy ambassador of the church, saying that the Lawmaker has always demonstrated the qualities of a good servant in God’s Vineyard.

He said the vision of the Council is to maintain standards in the area of spiritual, physical and mental upliftments of the people, and prayed God for wherewithal to achieving the set goals that are aimed at advancing the work of God.

Disclosing that the Diocese now has School of Nursing, Sir Ogbalor said the Diocese hope to float a University, even as he announced the launch of an endowment fund for Health Insurance Scheme as part of the Council’s effort for a healthier society.

The President called for support, even as he on behalf of the members, glorified God for their lives and opportunity to serve God and humanity.

The Bishop of the Oleh Diocese of the Anglican Communion, Rt Rev John Orarhakpor, represented by Ven Peter Efi, Chaplain in the diocese, urged Christians to live life that reflects their faith, both in secret and in the open, stressing that all eyes are on them as they must live such life that will bring glory to God.

Saying that Nigeria as a nation is experiencing a very challenging times, the Anglican Cleric, said the people must look on to Christ for salvation, even as he prayed for the Country, the State and their leaders as well as individual homes for God to prosper the people.

There were funds raising during the meeting.

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