Delta LGA Poll: Councilorship Aspirants Petition State PDP Over Alleged Abuse Of Office

By Takeme – Councillorship aspirants in Obotebe Ward 17 of Burutu local government area of Delta State have filed a petition before the Delta State chapter of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) over an alleged  imposition of one Spencer Takeme, by his immediate elder brother, Chief Julius Takeme, using his office as Senatorial Chairman, to the detriment of other aspirants.

In the petition, addressed to the State Chairman of the party and signed by Comrades Timi Bougha, Andewei Okou, Christopher Bebenaghan and Samisco Okpe, the Councillorship aspirants said they converged on the residence of Chief Julius Takeme for the harmonization of aspirants for wards 17 and 18 of the local government as directed by the party leadership, with party executive members and selected leaders present.

The petitioners stated that while Honourable France Enekorogha led the group to amicably pick their candidate for Ward 18 without any rancor, the case was different for Ward 17, as the Senatorial Chairman singlehandedly imposed his immediate younger brother on the people.

The alleged that he did so by threatening to remove the exco members saddled with the mandate to produce a candidate from the exco should they not accept and endorse his immediate younger brother over and above all other aspirants as the Ward’s candidate.

The Councillorship hopefuls noted that the election of the Senatorial Chairman’s had thrown the Ward into disarray, as party members had threatened to decamp enmass if the ugly trend was not immediately corrected, adding that the peace and security of Ward 17 would be threatened if the issue was not addressed.

They recalled that in the last local government elections all the aspirants stepped down for the Senatorial Chairman’s younger brother in Ward 17, while the aspirant for Ward 18 stepped down for a relative of Honourable Franc Enekorogha based on an understanding that the position would rotate in the ,2021 election.

In the present circumstance, the aspirants noted, Honourable Franc Enekorogha had fulfilled his side of the bargain by telling his nephew to step down, a development they said had brought peace to Ward 18, as against what prevailed in Ward 17.

They demanded that the name of Honourable Spencer Takeme be dropped as he was not properly selected, while all leaders and exco members should be freely allowed to vote for a candidate of their choice under the supervision of an unbiased umpire.

The Obotebe Councillorship aspirants called for the sanctioning of Julius Takeme for the flagrant abuse of the powers conferred on him by the party, while Franc Enekorogha should be commended for the display of leadership and holding strictly unto the Gentle Man’s agreement that was reached in the last election.

They urged the leadership of the party to treat the matter with every sense of fairness and justice.

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