APPOINTMENT AS SPECIAL ADVISER: Uviejitobor Expresses Gratitude To God, Oborevrwori.

A political strategist and two term member of the Delta State House of Assembly, Hon (Chief) Peter Uviejitobor has expressed gratitude to God and to Governor Sheriff Oborevrwori on his appointment as Special Adviser to the Delta State Government.

Hon Uviejitobor who represented Udu State Constituency in the 6th and 7th Assembly, described the appointment as an act of God and commended Governor Oborevrwori for being a tool in the hands of God and for keeping to his promise.

The former Lawmaker stated that the news of the appointment was received with so much excitements by him, members of his immediate family, political associates and the good people of Udu local government area.

“I must commend His Excellency, Rt. Hon. (Elder) Sheriff Oborevwori, Governor of Delta State for my appointment as Special Adviser in Delta State. His love for Udu people and to me in particular is unique and unquantifiable. Despite the obvious challenges, His Excellency made a promise and kept his promise, God will bless him for me and shall continue to grant him the wherewithal to deliver his electioneering promises to Deltans”, Uviejitobor stated.

While appreciating Governor Oborevwori for finding him worthy to serve Delta State Government in the capacity as Special Adviser, the former Lawmaker promised to contribute his quota to the success of the MORE agenda of the administration.

“I will forever be grateful to God and to my former colleague, now Governor of Delta State for this opportunity to serve. The appointment is expression of confidence. I do not have a choice than to contribute my quota to all round development of Delta State in line with the MORE agenda mantra of the Oborevrwori’s administration. I once again thank my Governor, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. (Elder) Sheriff Oborevwori for this appointment”, Uviejitobor said.

The Udu PDP Stalwart, also paid glowing tributes to the immediate past Governor of the State, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa for his fatherly love and care for others, especially in the times of need.

Uviejitobor stated that the seamless transition from Okowa to Oborevrwori was a mark of a good administrator, even as he wished the former Governor well in his future endeavours.

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