Operation Delta Hawk: Another Political Showmanship.- Delta APC

All Progressives Congress (APC), Delta State, after consideration and watch of events in the last two weeks, have come to a fair conclusion that the statement by the State Governor on the setting up of “Operation Delta Hawk” is nothing but another political showmanship.

About two weeks ago, most Deltans were thrown into frenzy with the announcement of the setting up of “Operation Delta Hawk”, to assist in combating heinous crimes in the State. The said announcement made so many people to heave a sigh of relief, believing that in no distance time, concrete steps shall be taken to save Deltans from the hands of marauding blood thirsty criminals. Little did they know that their reprieve from harbingers of death is far from reality!

The business of Government is predicated on an existing law, in order to have legal standing and teeth. Till date, no proposed Bill is before the Delta State House of Assembly for consideration in respect of “Operation Delta Hawk”.

A painstaking inquiry by APC shows that after the said political showmanship in the media, no concrete steps have been taken to bring same to reality! Most of those whose names were mentioned as members of the committee to come up with a blueprint on the best way to go, are yet to receive any message from the State Government.

Going down memory lane, on or about the year 2014, a Bill was sent to the Delta State House of Assembly for consideration, on the establishment of Delta State Vigilante Group. The Bill, was eventually passed, and led to the setting up and/ or giving of legal backing to Vigilantes in Delta State.

In the said Vigilantes’ Law, provision was made for how members of the group should be funded. Unfortunately, members turned out to be more like “Almajiri” sent into the world to fend for themselves without support. Due to lack of commitment and funding from the State Government, most of them devised means of survival to wit; attaching themselves to members of the Nigerian Police and acting as tax collectors (collecting “mashing”), delving into matrimonial issues between husbands and wives, acting as debt Collectors, and doing other unsavoury things, outside their statutory mandate, ostensibly for their survival.

Considering the dexterity with which most of the Vigilante members worked selflessly without monthly stipend/payment from Government, it is the belief of Delta APC that if there is an overhaul of the moribund Vigilantes, with support from the Government to strengthen them, they will give better results.

If the Governor insist on adding extra economic burden on the State by establishing “Operation Delta Hawk”, APC, Delta State charges him to live up to the responsibilities attached to his office. This is no time for the usual political showmanship that PDP led Government in the State, is known for.

Deltans need a responsive government that can take up concrete steps in protecting their lives and properties. Deltans deserve more than empty political promises.

Sylvester Imonina, Esq.,
Publicity Secretary, APC, Delta State.

27th May, 2020.

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